Journal of fundamental and applied researches

2013. №4, pp. 043-047

Kostoyeva Fatima M. - post-graduate student, Ingush State University, 386102, Republic of Ingushetia, Magas, 6 H.-B. Mutaliyev St.,

Barakhoyeva Nina M. - Doctor of Philology,professor, Ingush State University, 386102, Republic of Ingushetia, Magas, 6 H.-B. Mutaliyev St.,

Article is devoted to a problem of generating of terms of construction lexicon of the Ingush language. The main attention in article is paid to a suffixal way of a terminoobrazovaniye in the Ingush language.

Key words: term, terminoobrazovaniye, word formation, way of word formation, affixation, suffiksation, prefiksation
