Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Checking and review articles

All material submitted for publication in the journal "Natural Sciences", are subject to mandatory peer review. It includes a presentation of the authors of external review and internal editorial review.
In one issue of the journal may not be published more than two papers of one author, including co-authorship.
Executive secretary checks article for compliance with the topics and formal manuscript requirements of the journal. In the case of non-subject, the article is not taken into consideration, and the author is notified.
After the primary review executive secretary organizes checking the content of the article by members of the editorial board.
The Editorial Board may take the following decisions:

  • publish as submitted;
  • publish after some corrections mentioned in the review;
  • publish after a major revision and re-review;
  • article cannot be recommended for publication in the journal "Natural Sciences."

Reviewing articles in the journal carried out anonymously.
As a general rule, the publication made in order of receipt of articles to the editor. However, in justified cases, the Editorial Board may decide to extraordinary publishing.