Journal of fundamental and applied researches

2013. №3, pp. 26-30

Kazakova Anna I. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishchev st.,

In this article formation of occasional phraseological units in a discourse of domestic motion picture art is considered. As an object of research FE which genetic base is the Russian film discourse appear. The main objective consists in the analysis of mechanisms of formation of occasional phraseological units and ways of their transformation. When studying this subject such methods, as are used: comparative and comparative method, structural and methods of cognitive linguistics. As a result of the complex analysis it is possible to say that many phraseological units, getting to a diskursivny field of the movie, are exposed to structural semantic changes. They become an occasional form of initial phraseological unit. Thus, in a discourse of domestic cinema the set of occasional phraseological units which in a consequence actively enter into speech of native speakers of Russian is created.

Key words: phraseological unit,occasional idiom,discourse,transformation
