Journal of fundamental and applied researches

О закономерностях в гоголевских описаниях: фасад: окно

2013. №2, pp. 70-75

Zavyalova Elena E. - Professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а, Tatischev St.,

In the article the question is about the image of the image of the window in the works of N.V.Gogol. As a material for the study of selected those passages in which the window are described as part of the facades. The author describes some aspects of the treatment of the writer by the way. The first of these, the most obvious, social: the number of Windows in the house, their appearance and size indicate the degree of material well-being of its owner. The second aspect is the aesthetic: expressing opinions about their preferences in architecture, N.V.Gogol develops the original theory, according to which, verticality of lines, including in the design of window apertures, reflects the aspiration of the soul to heaven. Harmonic position details, well-designed layout – a sign of spiritual concentration. Accordingly, the total change in the organization of architectural space, of the bulk composition of buildings of the XVII and the beginning of the XVIII century testify to the exclusion of religious intentions. In their works of art N.V. Gogol confirms the judgment of concrete examples: the violation of the proportions of buildings is a sign of mental disorder, indifference, callousness of their inhabitants. Apart from the romantic philosophy, the view of the writer has an impact idyllic tradition: old crumbling Windows, framed by dense green trees symbolize the true, time-tested values, which are governed by ordinary mortals. Decisive for N.V. Gogol is myth that «the man – the house, the temple»; numerous anthropomorphic descriptions characterize one or another hero through his home. In some cases updated infernal background sketches: significantly influence people’s perceptions of the window as the mediator between that and this world.

Key words: image of the window,facade,harmonic location,religious intentions,anthropomorphism
