Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Культурная безопасность как предмет философских дискуссий

2012. №4, pp. 258-263

Romanovа Anna P. - Doctor of Philosophy, professor, director of Humanitarian institute, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а Tatishchev St.,

The purpose of article is the conceptual analysis of a problem of cultural security. The main task – on the basis of the comparative analysis of close terminology in English and the Russian scientific discourse (cultural safety, cultural security, safety of culture) to systematize the saved-up knowledge and to unify the conceptual device; to determine the main characteristics of concept «cultural security». In article is shown the debatable character of this problem, the positive and negative points of view, both on the use of the term, and on the analysis of a cultural situation from the point of view of cultural sacurity. The author presented own definition of concept and showed its diversity and evolution.

Key words: safety,national security,cultural safety,cultural security,culture,mass culture,threats and risks,ethnic conflicts,cultural identity.
