Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Фальсификация политической истории как конфликт научной и идеологической достоверности

2012. №4, pp. 244-251

Karabushchenko Pavel L. - Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а Tatischev St.,

The falsification of political history became one of most effective ways of political power justification and a substantiation of the claims on a recognition as elite. The parity of scientific and ideological reliability at ruling elite goes not to advantage of a science as the power prefers to depart from norms of morals and true is more often, for the sake of achievement of rather doubtful purposes. The present article investigates hermeneutic falsification codes, dependence of modern elite from manipulation, is given characteristic of that harm, which similar manipulations bring to bases of a civil society.

Key words: hermeneutics,falsification,manipulation,elite,reliability,history,lie,the power,creativity,secret,obvious.
