Journal of fundamental and applied researches

“The Dream of Eugene Aram, the Murderer” Томаса Гуда в осмыслении М.Л. Михайлова, В.П. Буренина и В.Д. Костомарова] (специфика творческих интерпретаций)

2012. №4, pp. 116-125

Zhatkin Dmitry N. - Doctor of Philology, Professor, Penza State Technological Academy, 440039, Russia, Penza, pr. Baidukova / Gagarin st., 1а/11,

Holodkova Julia V. - Senior Lеcturer, Penza State Technological Academy, 440039, Russia, pr. Baidukov / Gagarin st., 1а/11; Penza,

The article deals with the comparative analysis of the original version of Th. Hood’s poem “The Dream of Eugene Aram, the Murderer” 1829, and its Russian versions translated in 1860s by M.L. Mikhailov, V.P. Burenin and V.D. Kostomarov. V.P. Burenin’s translation the most famous in Russia has either doubtless advantages (shown in a skillful reproduction of artistic details, the descriptions) or considerable disadvantages (the use of needless description regarding to a laconic original text). V.D. Kostomarov’s translation is a very successful one. Some unevenness, haste in choice of lexic – semantical means, free use of some expressions can be seen. M.L.Mikhailov’s translation is strict; it is not an artistic achievement. The authors of the article give a complex of reasons leading to the use of Hood’s “The Dream of Eugene Aram, the Murderer” by the Russian interpreters and to consigning to oblivion in the following period of literal development.

Key words: Thomas Hood,poetical translation,a poem,Russian and English literary connections,comparativistics,an artistic detail.
