Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Translation and interpretation of comments on the political internet discourse (by the material of the social network "Twitter")

2022. №3, pp. 17-21

Vulfovich Boris G. - Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia

Katermina Veronika V. - Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia

This article discusses approaches to translating comments into Russian left on Boris Johnson's posts on the occasion of the UK's exit from the European Union on the Twitter social network. The translation of comments is a little-known area in translation theory, because often their translation is not required on a global scale, and social networks can offer machine translation options that, without claiming quality, can convey the main essence of the comment. The article deals primarily with extraordinary comments, for example, containing obscene vocabulary, since variations in their translation are debatable.

Key words: commentary, political Internet discourse, translation, Brexit, Twitter, social network
