Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Medical toponimes of the Astrakhan region

2022. №2, pp. 69-73

Romanova Inga V. - Candidate of Psychological Sciences

Konnova Olga V. - Candidate of Psychological Sciences

This article discusses the toponyms of the Astrakhan region. Their classification is also given. In total, three main groups were identified. Medical toponyms are not the most numerous groups in the onomastics of the Astrakhan region, however, an important part of the history of the city is associated with each of these names. Most toponyms are associated with the names of outstanding doctors and scientists of world renown, as well as outstanding doctors of the Astrakhan region. There are also medical institutions bearing the names of prominent doctors, as well as the names of diseases, which include the names of the city of Astrakhan. The article discusses the historical facts associated with the emergence of a particular name.

Key words: toponymy, toponyms, Astrakhan region, medicine, anthroponyms
