Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Structural and semantic types elliptic sentences in Russian

2022. №1, pp. 58-61

Zhelnova Irina L. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University, irinazhelnova@mail.ruвњ‰

Ivashkovich Tatyana I. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Astrakhan State University,

The article discusses elliptic sentences. The points of view on their nature and structure are very different. The most controversial issues are: the attribution of elliptic sentences to complete or incomplete sentences, to two- or one-part sentences, the way predicativity is expressed in them, internal semantic-grammatical relations. This type of sentence can be distinguished into a special group of simple sentences with its own specific structural and grammatical organization. There are four varieties of elliptic sentences. Elliptical sentences with an independent form of the name and elliptical sentences without a name in the nominative case are analyzed in detail. The first group of sentences genetically goes back to two-part verb sentences. The group 2 models are organized differently: without both main members in their traditional sense. What elliptical sentences of both types have in common, in our opinion, is that they were both originally formed in speech, and not in language.

Key words: incomplete sentences, ellipsis, elliptic sentences, structure, syntax, main sentence members
