Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Causal taxis in the context of intercategorial interaction (based on the material of different structural languages)

2022. №1, pp. 24-27

Arkhipova Irina V. - Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University,

The focus of research attention is the issue of actualizing the categorical semantics of the causal taxis of simultaneity in the context of the intercategorical interaction of the categories of taxis and causality. Intercategorical inclusion of functional-semantic categories of taxis and causality determines the actualization of various causal-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity, including interconnected ones, in German, Russian, English and Dutch. The material of the research was the statements with taxis prepositions of causal semantics, obtained by the method of continuous sampling from the Leipzig National Corpus, the National Corpus of the Russian Language and the German Electronic Dictionary. The examined statements with taxis prepositions of causal semantics bei, mit, unter, durch, aus, wegen, vor, aufgrund, dank, благодаря, из-за, от, because of, through, with, at, by, wegens, vanwege represent causally taxis semantic syncret-complex of simultaneity. Deverbatives in combination with polytaxis and monotaxis prepositions of causal semantics are actualizers of various causal-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity in German, Russian, English and Dutch. Polytaxis and monotaxis prepositions of causal semantics bei, in, mit, durch, aus, wegen, vor, aufgrund, dank, благодаря, из-за, от, because of, through, with, at, by, wegens, vanwege act as markers the causal taxis of simultaneity.

Key words: taxis marker, taxis actualizer, causality, causal taxis, intercategorical interaction, intercategorical inclusion, causal-taxis categorical situation, interconnected causal-taxis categorical situation
