Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Dialectology, grammar, and phonetics of the german language: the facets of interaction

2022. №1, pp. 11-18

Senina Inna V. - Candidate of Philology Sciences, Irkutsk National Research Technical University,

Berezhnykh Natalya Yu. - Candidate of Philology Sciences, Irkutsk National Research Technical University,

Novolodskaya Natalya S. - Senior Lecturer, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia,

The article aims to study the main areas of interaction of such scientific disciplines as dialectology, grammar, and phonetics of the German language from the point of view of historical development and the current state. The general directions of research, in particular, the classification of dialectal features, the allocation of a standardized language, and dialectal norm formed the basis of new scientific areas, dialect grammar, and dialect phonetics. The use of typological, comparative, and descriptive research methods made it possible to establish their terminological fields of new direc tions, which incorporate the terminological elements of interacting disciplines. Isolation of primary, secondary, tertiary dialectal signs, as well as signs of the fourth and fifth orders, allows them to be classified according to their severity, and the systematization of markers as stable, unstable, "extinct" and jumping ones takes into account not only their correlation to one or several regional varieties but also the psychological aspect of their use by native speakers. In conclusion, it is noted that the result of such interaction is not only the formation of new methods and approaches but also the consolidation of the status of an independent variant of the language with its history, structure, and norm for the dialect.

Key words: dialect, dialectology, grammar, phonetics, term, German, dialect signs
