Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2021. №4, pp. 81-87

Mustafayeva Malakhat Mustafa - Baku Slavic University

The presented article is written on a topical topic. In it, within the boundaries of the main acts of communication, emphasis is placed on some supporting factors. First of all, the two-part formula is subject to correction: translator-reader. Without in any way questioning the inviolability of this traditional formulation, the article attempts to saturate it with new content. In particular, based on the works of leading Russian and European scientists, it is shown that the translator, using different communicative capabilities, brings to the reader the meaning of the transmitted information, drawing ideas from the arsenal of several options. This is how the discussion about the variability of translation activity arises and develops, which in turn is closely related to the signification and denotation of the text. These terms are not only disclosed, but also subjected to a little critical analysis. The article is written exclusively in a theoretical way: a large place is occupied by the statements of scientists who are actively involved in the problems chosen in the article, and from various linguistic positions. Meanwhile, such an approach, in our opinion, fully justifies the goal set: to point out the broad potential possibilities of translation, using purely theoretical material for this. It includes: A) Definition of monolingual or bilingual communication as an integral part of translation; B) An indication of the equivalence, identity or difference of the language codes of the sender and the recipient of the information; C) Identification of the nature of language communication with its inherent factors; D) Definition of the role of significates and denotations. At the end of the article, the translation possibilities are subordinated to some cultural ideas.

Key words: communication theory, translation studies, author's translation, translated language, linguistics, groups of languages
