Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2021. №3, pp. 11-14

Arkhipova Irina V. - Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University,

The issue of research interest is the question of intercategorical interaction of the functional-semantic category of taxis and “distant” functional-semantic categories of conditionality, causality, concessivity, consecutiveness, instrumentality and finality. The poly-categorical semantic complexes distinguished in functional grammar can be constituted as “close” and “non-close” or “far from each other” functional-semantic categories that have a field structure. The above-mentioned functional-semantic categories or fields are in relation to intercategory inclusion. The phenomenon of intercategorical inclusion is an integrating factor in the constitution of poly-categorical taxis semantic syncret subcomplexes that actualize secondary-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity in statements with monotaxis and polytaxis prepositions of instrumental, causal, concessive, consecutive, conditional and final semantics. Due to the intercategorical inclusion of the taxis category with "non-close" functional-semantic categories or fields with an adverbial-predicative core, we distinguish such semantic syncret-subcomplexes of simultaneity as: (1) instrumental-taxis; (2) causal taxis; (3) conditional taxis; (3) concessive taxis; (4) consecutive taxis; (5) final taxis. The phenomenon of intercategorical inclusion determines the actualization of various secondary-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity (instrumental-taxis, causal-taxis, concessive-taxis, concessive-taxis, final-taxis), including interconnected polycategorical-taxis situations in semantic representing the above-mentioned taxis semantic syncret subcomplexes.

Key words: intercategorical interaction, intercategorical inclusion, taxis semantic syncret-subcomplexes, secondary-taxis categorical situations of simultaneity
