Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2020. №4, pp. 178-191

Kiseleva Anastasia M. - Military Academy of Logistics named after Army General A.V. Khrulev,

Cognitive linguistics, which is booming today, addresses the topic of the study of concepts and their structures. The purpose of this article is to describe the figurative features of the husband concept in the Russian language picture of the world. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the concepts that form the key macroconcept of a person in Russian and other language pictures of the world were not the subject of a detailed study. Scientific novelty consists in referring to the concept of a husband from the perspective of a comprehensive study of his figurative features within the framework of the theory of codes of Russian linguistic culture. The husband concept was not the subject of a separate study in linguistic literature. Basic research methods: descriptive, interpretative and conceptual. The research material was taken from the National Corps of the Russian Language (, as well as from works of Russian classics. As the research material showed, the most productive are zoomorphic, artifact, property, anthropomorphic and vegetative codes of Russian linguistic culture. This conclusion is made on the basis of the number of examples objectifying the corresponding cognitive characteristics.

Key words: concept, codes of linguistic culture, conceptual structure, cognitive sign, language consciousness, language picture of the world, conceptology, linguistic culture
