Journal of fundamental and applied researches

ARCHETYPE OF THE HOUSE IN THE COMMUNICATIVE SPACE OF LITERATURE AND CINEMA (a case study of fictional prose and the film “Cube”)

2017. №4, pp. 124-132

Makhno Olga A. - Postgraduate Student, St. Tikhon's Orthodox humanitarian University, 115184, Russia, Moscow, 23B, build. 2 Novokuznetskaya st,

This article considers the basic archetype of the House in the communicative space of classical literature and cinema. The author analyzes the way an appeal to the literary archetype of the House in works by F. Kafka and F. Dostoevsky enables Vincenzo Natali, the director of the “Cube”, to develop a multidimensional model of communication of texts through creating its own metatext. The author thoroughly researches and categorizes various archetypal models of the House. Addressing to and productive work with them most clearly reflect the nature of interaction between the verbal fictional text of F. Kafka and F. Dostoevsky and visual animated text and modern multimedia capabilities helping to reinforce allusiveness, psychologism and emotional impact of the classical work on the audience.

Key words: метатекст, архетип Дома, миф, кинотекст, metatext, archetype of the House, myth, cinematext
