Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Psychological peculiarities of an adult learner in supplementary vocational training

2017. №2, pp. 106-114

Panarina Svetlana S. - Postgraduate Student, Astrakhan State Technical University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 16 Tatishchev st,

Continuing education as a key tool for the development of personality is designed to ensure reproduction of the intellectual potential of society. This article is devoted to the analysis of psychological and pedagogical conditions of development of competence of adult learners in additional professional programs. The author analyzes the legal framework of additional professional education, as well as studies by leading domestic and foreign scientists in the problems of adult education. The article touches upon requirements for adult learning organizations as well as psychological characteristics of this category of students as the subject of activity, which are crucial in the design of effective teaching methods for this category of students. Based on the selected psychological characteristics of adult learners for additional professional programs, the author attempts to justify the selection of optimal pedagogical conditions of interaction between learners and teachers of additional professional programs based on student-centered and activity approaches. According to this analysis, the conclusion is drawn by the author that such conditions can and should include the organization of educational co-curricular activities, which update the experience of adult listeners, stimulate the interaction between partners in learning, involving transformation of educational positions of listeners and functions of the teacher in additional professional programs in favor of reducing the role of the latter in training.

Key words: взрослый слушатель, дополнительная профессиональная программа, профессиональное образование, повышение квалификации, совместная деятельность, компетентность, рефлексия, мотивация, развитое самосознание, опыт, фасилитация учебного взаимодействия, осознанная структура деятельности, adult learner, supplementary vocational program, vocational education, skill building, co-curricular activities, competency, reflection, motivation, developed self-consciousness, experience, facilitation of learner interaction, awareness in the structure of activities
