Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Role of mythopoetical notion about animals in the literature fairy-tale K. Paystovsky

2014. №1, pp. 68-72

Panova Elena P. - D.Phil. (Philology), Volgograd Technical State University, 400005, Russia, Volgograd, Lenina av., 28,

Symbolic meaning of image of the animals, such as a bear, a cock, a sparrow, a horse, connect mythological tradition in the literature fairy-tale of K. Paustovskiy. Artistic image expand for a scale of the fairy-tale fantasies.

Key words: fairy-tale, K. Paustovskiy, bear, cock, sparrow, horse, сказка, К. Паустовский, лошадь, медведь, петух, воробей
