Journal of fundamental and applied researches

2013. №4, pp. 104-114

Emelyanov Victor A. - Ph.D. (Philology), Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20Р° Tatishchev st.,

The subject of the research in article became Yu. Olesha’s diary notes of 1930–1950s. The writer’s way from fiction (“belles-lettres”) to “fact literature” (“diaries”) is traced. The reasons motivated the author of “Envy” to refuse “fictive narrative”, “writings” and to engage in systematic (“not a day without a line”) and faithful “self-description” are found out. Yu. Olesha’s diary prose is considered against such phenomena of the Soviet literature as “The first proceedings of LEF’s workers” (1929) on the one hand and “production novel” of 1930s on the other hand. The hypothesis of possible relation of Yu. Olesha’s new prose to V. Rozanov’s “retired literature” is also made in the article.

Key words: belles-lettres, diary, literary work, rozanovshchina
