Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Стилистические особенности немецкой робинзонады (на примере произведения Г.Я.К. фон Гриммельсгаузена «Приключения Симплициссимуса»)

2013. №2, pp. 93-98

Toktonalieva Ainura I.  - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatishchev st., 20а,

The fact, that robinsonade, which is not a new interpretation of Robinson, but a continued reiteration of one and the same situation, is obvious and urgent thus far in literature. Researchers are wondering about the cause of popularity of robinsonade as a literary genre. In this article, its subject is the study of stylistic peculiarities of German robinsonade, we are undertaking the attempt to reveal one of the reasons for its actuality, that is the goal of this research. The objects of this article are syntactic and stylistic means, which were analyzed during the reading of the work by German writer G.Ya.K. von Grimmelhausen «Simplicissimus’ adventures». We used such methods of research as: the method of continuous sampling, the method of quantitative analysis, the method of linguistic analysis. The results obtained in the course of the research may be used in the process of teaching practice of the Russian and German languages, stylistics, study of literature.

Key words: robinsonade,contact dialogue,parantez,enumeration,a simple contact repetition,comparison,metaphor
