Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Особенности письменной репрезентации анекдота как речевого жанра (на материале региональной газеты «Комсомолец Каспия» – Астрахань 1957–1967 гг.)

2013. №2, pp. 46-52

Parshina Mariya V.  - postgraduate student, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a, Tatishchev St.,

Modern linguistic tradition encompasses two position of defining anecdote as a speech genre: it can be an oral presentation and a written text. These two variations define controversial nature of the issue of genre specific character. The article considers anecdote as a speech genre fixed in the local newspaper “Comsomolets Caspiya” during 1957–1967 of the 20th centuries. Interest to this period is predetermined by its closedness from the viewpoint of freedom of expression under the influence of ideology. Moreover, regional aspect of the anecdote texts permits to enhance the existing knowledge on this genre. The article contains an attempt to define genre specific character of the published anecdotes; reveal and make a systemization of linguistic means, providing for comic effect; develop thematic classification of the selected linguistic material for the mentioned period.

Key words: anecdote,speech genre,written text,linguistic means,comic effect
