Journal of fundamental and applied researches

К вопросу о соотношении диалектного и регионального в русском языке (на примере лексики Астраханского края)

2013. №2, pp. 30-36

Zvarykina Irina S. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a, Tatishchev st.,

The article deals with the distinguish between dialect and regional linguistic phenomena. The aim of the research is to study the question of the relationship between dialect and regional on the example of the lexicon of Astrakhan region. The paper proves the idea that in the modern language situation more appropriately to talk about the regional, instead of about the dialect language phenomena. The results of the work may be used both in linguistic theory, and linguistic regional study.

Key words: dialect,regiolect,regional language,common speech,dialectism,regionalism
