Journal of fundamental and applied researches

К истории формирования нормлитературного афганского (пушту) языка

2013. №1, pp. 39-44

Satsayev Elbrus B. - Candidate of Philology, senior research associate, V.I. Abayev North Ossetian Institute for Humanities and Social Research, 362040, Russia, Vladikavkaz, 10, Mira Ave,

The Pashto language is one of the official languages of Afghanistan, but most native speakers of this language – Pashtuns, live in Pakistan. The fact that clear contours and unified phonetical and grammatical norms of the literary language Pashto have not been formed until now is a consequence of a complicated historical fate of Pashtuns who represent a quite numerous nation even by Asian standards (more than 45 million people). The reasons and historical conditions which were the braking factors of Pashto development are the main topic of this article.

Key words: The Afghan language (Pashto),Afghanistan,Pakistan,Kandahar dialect,Peshavar dialect,southern dialects,Durrani Empire,Eastern Pashtuns,normalization of Pashto,supradialectal stem
