Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Где находилась и как называлась татарская Астрахань?(о фальсификациях истории происхождения города)

2012. №4, pp. 228-237

Vasilyev Dmitry V. - candidate of historical sciences, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatischev St., 20а,

The paper analyzes the information regarding the location of the precursor Russian Astrakhan’s predecessor - Tatar city of Haji-Tarkhan. There is a comparison of historical evidence, archival materials, ethnographic and archaeological data in the article. Tye author defines the location of Haji-Tarkhan at the “Shareny hill” settlement, 12 kilometers north of the present Astrakhan. In addition, the author attempts to analyze the multiple versions about the origin of the name of modern Astrakhan. He analyzes the data of written sources, the legendary information, numismatic material and raises the modern name to its original form - "Haji-Tarkhan."

Key words: Astrakhan,Astrakhan region,archeology,excavations,material culture,the delta of the Volga,sedentary culture,the Golden Horde,Astrakhan Khanate,Haji-Tarkhan.
