Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Система повествователей в повести Н.Ф. Павлова «Именины»

2012. №4, pp. 138-142

Magomedova Madina I. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatischev St., 20a,

In the article speech is conducted about work of the Russian writer of middle of the XIX century Nikolay Filippovich Pavlov (1805–1864). The first fragment is analyses from early collection of prose writer "Three stories". The characteristic receptions of the psychological describing are distinguished. Passed remark relatively stylistic multi-layeredness of text and special form of row of expressions of heroes, defeat the stereotypes of romantic world outlook. The system of tellers is characterized in "Name-days". Conformity to law comes to light in the show of events: pleasant acquaintance with a prepossessing to itself interlocutor, his history about love and about the loss of faith, subsequent disappointment in a teller. Such composition "well" reports to the narration of "stereoscopy", the reader a few variants of "look are offered to outside". The multiprivate point of view correlates subjective looks, the internal and external foreshortening is unites.

Key words: system of narrators,foreshortening,subjective look,stereoscopy,psychologism,stylistic multi-layeredness.
