Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Процессы фонологической категоризации при позднем билингвизме

2012. №4, pp. 45-53

Zavyalova Victoria L. - Candidate of Philology, Regional and International Studies School, Far Eastern Federal University, 690600, Vladivostok, Aleutskaya St., 56,

The article raises the issues related to the peculiarities of phonological categorization in late bilingualism, and to the linguocognitive basis for two languages interaction at the phonological level, with some references to the neurophysiology data. The author examines such questions as the possibility of gaining full command of a second language in adulthood, mechanisms of forming L2 phonological categories, processes of language and mental structures’ interference, as well as the reasons for phonetic accent in the speech of non-native speakers.

Key words: phonological categorization,late bilingualism,cognitive basis for phonological interference,phonetic accent.
