Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Когнитивно-прагматические истоки внутренней формы знаков косвенной номинации

2012. №4, pp. 7-14

Alefirenko Nikolay F. - D.Sc. (Philology), Professor, Belgorod National Research University, 308015, Russia, Belgorod, 85, Pobeda st.,

The paper deals with the investigation of proto-semantic categories, used as the cognitive and pragmatic factors of the inner forms of signs in indirect nomination, such as universal-presentive code, presentive frame and concept. The aim of the research is to discover the cognitive and pragmatic factors of the inner form of words. The methodological background of the work is the cognitive and discourse approach. The results of the work may be used both in linguistic theory, and lexicography practice.

Key words: inner form,indirect nomination,cognition,pragmatics,semantics,meaning,concept.
