Journal of fundamental and applied researches

English borrowings in the French language in diacronic and synchronic aspects

2022. №3, pp. 35-40

Kuznetsova Elena V. - Astrakhan State University named after V. N. Tatishchev, Astrakhan, Russia

Loshchakova Nadezhda P. - Astrakhan State University named after V. N. Tatishchev, Astrakhan, Russia

Modern studies of anglicisms in French cover the issues of their role in journalistic, scientific texts and works of art, the reasons for borrowing anglicisms, their classification, and assimilation. In our time, the source language of lexical units in different languages, naming numerous concepts in the field of politics, sports, modern music, computer technology, is, of course, English.

Key words: anglicisms, assimilation, borrowing, connotation
