Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Iterative-taxis categorical situations and their actualization in German and Russian languages

2022. №3, pp. 12-16

Arkhipova Irina V. - 

This article discusses the issue of actualization the iterative-taxis categorial situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity in the German and Russian languages. The research material was German and Russian statements with taxis prepositions of temporal and adverbial semantics, containing iterative deverbatives of genetic or derivational multiplicity, iterative verbs and iterative quantifiers. In the iterative statements of the German and Russian languages, the following are actualized iterative-primary-taxis categorial situations of simultaneity and non-simultaneity and iterative-secondary taxis categorial situations of simultaneity. Iterative-primary taxis categorical situations are actualized in statements with taxis prepositions of temporal semantics während, seit, nach, vor, bis, bei, in, mit, в течение, во время, c, до, перед, после , накануне etc. Iterative-secondary taxis categorial situations are actualized in statements with taxis prepositions of adverbial semantics durch, mit, bei, in, mittels, unter, dank, aufgrund, wegen, trotz, ungeachtet, несмотря на, вопреки, в силу, благодаря, из-за, от, вследствие etc. The iterative-primary taxis and iterative-secondary taxis categorial situations are determined by the presence in the examined statements of iterative deverbatives of genetic or word-formative iterativity, iterative verbs, as well as iterative quantifiers.

Key words: deverbatives of iterative semantics, genetic iterativity, word-formative iterativity, iteratives verbs, iterative quantifiers, iterative-taxis categorial situation, iterative-primary taxis categorial situation, iterative-secondary taxis categorial situation
