Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Cognitive dominants of literature in the first half of the 20 century

2022. №2, pp. 159-165

Danilenko Ilya A. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod, Russia

The article deals with cognitive dominants of the world literature in the 20 century. There are several levels of cognitive dominance which is based on the scale of the research: the level of an individual work, the level of oeuvre of a single writer, the level of a certain genre in literature and the level of a specific historical period. The aim of the study is to determine cognitive dominants in world literature in the beginning of the 20 century. This is a period of two World Wars and revolutions. All this events found their reflection in literature. The subject of the study is all possible cognitive dominants in world literature in the beginning of the 20 century. The object of the study is the most prominent pieces of world literature in the beginning of the 20 century. For consideration, the novels of F.S. Fitzgerald, E.M. Remarque and M.A. Sholokhov were chosen. The most common concepts, as shown by the study, are the equivalent concepts WAR/KRIEG/WAR and LOVE/LIEBE/LOVE. In addition, depending on the nationality of the writer, the following cognitive dominants are present in their work: in E.M. Remarque’s oeuvre it is FREUNDSCHAFT, in M.A. Sholokhov’s oeuvre it is COMUNISM.

Key words: cognitive dominant, concept dominant, equivalent concepts, literary text
