Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Semantic shades of words expressing approximate quantity

2022. №2, pp. 64-68

Ibragimova Safira Sadikh gizi - PhD student, Baku Slavic University, Baku, Azerbaijan

The article discusses ways to express an approximate quantity using definite-quantitative numerals. Lexical means are analyzed that express the approximate nature of a number (inversion), or perform the function of indicating the limit or duration of an action, phenomenon with the help of special adverbs, prepositions, nouns, etc. The article also draws attention to such an interesting detail: most of these lexical means in the texts of works of fiction are often used in an ironic or satirical context. Various semantic shades of the word are noted, expressing an approximate number, features of their meaning, belonging to a particular functional style. As noted in the article, the main role of lexical means allows you to express an approximate amount with a bright shade of limit. So, a whole group of words indicates a higher or lower limit.

Key words: semantic connotation, approximate quantity, functional style, quantitative meaning, lexical means, inversion
