Journal of fundamental and applied researches

В«Discursive consciousnessВ» as a metalinguistic problem

2022. №2, pp. 32-36

Badalova Elena N. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russia

Gushchina Ksenia N. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, Russia

The article is devoted to an attempt to comprehend the notion of the concept of "discursive consciousness", introduced by N.F. Alefirenko, in the metalinguistic aspect. Scientists from the field of psychology, neurophysiology, anthropology and other sciences are involved in the work on the problem, justifying the status of this concept as a metalanguage. In addition, the article provides an analysis of the discursive and communicatively conditioned structure of the word. The dominant linguistic and cognitive-discursive tools of a verbal work, as well as a picture of the world, represented in it, determines the originality of the textual projection of the thinking of the subject of speech and receives a specific linguistic formalization of knowledge about the world in the discursive structure. Thus, the article presents a hypothesis according to which the union of linguistics with scientific branches that are fundamentally far from it, of an inhumane nature, allows not only to establish linguocognitive patterns of representation of the linguistic model of the world, but also to reconstruct the abstract model of thinking of the subject of speech.

Key words: discursive consciousness, linguistic consciousness, cognitive linguistics, discourse, text, model, modeling
