Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Comparative semantics in simple and complex sentences

2022. №1, pp. 87-92

Logacheva Anna A. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor., Oryol State University named after I.S. Turgenev, Orel, Russia,

The article describes the features of the expression of the structural-semantic category of comparison at the syntactic level of the language system. The scale of synchronous transitivity, consisting of five links, allows you to describe syncretic cases in the system "simple sentence - complex sentence". In the transition zone, there are syntactic constructions with the semantics of comparison, combining the properties of polar types (simple and complex sentences). The central place is occupied by sentences with comparative turns, which are semi-predicative syntactic units, the marker of which is the particle-like union. In the lyric works of the 19th century, various comparative constructions are actively used. In structure, these are complex sentences with relative clauses or simple sentences that include comparative phrases and circumstances of comparison.

Key words: simple sentence, complex sentence, comparative relations, lyric work
