Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Transposition of static/dynamic signs of verbs in the nominal area

2018. №4, pp. 36-38

Urazalieva A. R. - senior teacher, Astrakhan State Medical University, 414000, Russia, Astrakhan, 121 Bakinskaiya st,

This article is devoted to the aspectual criterion of static character / dynamism of action verbs / nominations in the French language. The distinction between state names and action names manifests itself in the expression of a temporal characteristic. The possibility of incorporation into structures with a temporary "extension" reveals dynamic nominations. Abstract, atemporal nouns, being derivatives of verbs of state, are " faithful" to them from the aspectual point of view.

Key words: французский язык, имя действия, лексический вид, статичность, динамичность, транспозиция аспектуальных свойств, French language, name of action, lexical aspect, statics, dynamics, transposition of aspectual properties
