Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2017. №3, pp. 66-74

Alefirenko Nikolai F. - Dоctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Belgorod State National Research University, 308007, Russia, Belgorod, 14 Studencheskaya st,

The notion of metaphРѕrical discРѕurse, which is a multi-layer model of comprehension of a communicative event - the blood system of meaning formation, is substantiated. As a result of a double reinterpretation of meanings, the definition of such discourse can also be represented with the help of a metaphor. The metaphorical discourse is the result of the interpretation of a communicative event that creates a cloud of thРѕught or a web of the semantic content of an artistic text, the threads of which serve as its semantic-conducting arteries, projecting a peculiar rainbow of meaning in the reader's perception of the text.

Key words: когнитивная метафора, лингвокогнитивная мембрана, метафорический дискурс, дискурсивное сознание, инсайт, смысл, смыслообраз, cognitive metaphor, lingvocognitive membrane, metaphorical discourse, discursive consciousness, insight, sense, meaning
