Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2017. №1, pp. 33-39

Morozova Svetlana N. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, 440005, Russia, Penza, 1 Military Town,

Zhatkin Dmitry N. - DРѕctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, 440039, Russia, Penza, 1a/11 pr. Baydukova / Gagarin st,

The article considers peculiarities of G.W.F. Hegel’s philosophy perception by K.I. Chukovsky. It provides the detailed analysis of the writer’s world outlook in relation to Hegel’s philosophical principles. It is noted that in the article “To the Eternally Young Question” (1901), while explaining the mission of art, Chukovsky argues on Hegel’s well-known triad, and also considers public relations with their permanently arising material requirements, with some support on Hegel’s philosophy, connecting life in society with manifestation of the person’s freedom. The article also specifies Chukovsky’s interest to the dependence of Hegel’s philosophy interpretation in Russia from ideological ideas of the Russian culture at the end of the XIXth - the beginning of the XX centuries.

Key words: К.И.Чуковский, Гегель, межкультурная коммуникация, гегельянство, международные литературные и историко-культурные связи, публицистика, мировоззренческая позиция, K.I. Chukovsky, Hegel, cross-cultural communication, hegelianism, international literary and historical and cultural relations, journalism, world outlook
