Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Economic essence of the illegal extraction of natural resources and the problems of criminal legal property protection

2016. №3, pp. 123-131

Degterev Andrey A. - Candidate of Legal Sciences, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishchev st,

In the natural resources of the Russian Federation subject to civil law provisions on the right of ownership under which they are the bearers of economic properties. Criminal law treats the natural resources as objects of criminal law protection of the environment, ignoring their economic substance, resulting in the need to overcome the contradiction between economic and criminal legal entity of natural resources.

Key words: природные ресурсы, хищение, экологические преступления, объекты собственности, браконьерство, незаконное предпринимательство, незаконная добыча природных ресурсов, незаконная добыча рыб осетровых пород, natural resources, theft, environmental crime, property, poaching, illegal enterprise, illegal exploitation of natural resources, illegal mining sturgeon
