Journal of fundamental and applied researches

The aspectuality of the verbal-nominal combinations of the words in the French

2016. №3, pp. 31-37

Urazalieva Azaliya R. - Senior Lecturer, Astrakhan State Medical University, 414000, Russia, Astrakhan, 121 Bakinskaiya st,

This article is devoted to the aspectuality of the verbal-nominal combinations of the words in the French. The structural and functional characteristics of the nominal-verbal combination of the words depend on lexical and grammatical semantics of the nominal predicate expressing the action independently from the verb-support. Within the verbal-nominal combination of the word the noun is characterized by aspectual semantics which is combined with aspectual semantics of a verb and is determining in this word.

Key words: verbal-nominal combination of the words, aspectual semantics, verb-support, nominal predicate, глагольно-именное словосочетание, аспектуальная семантика, глагол-опора, именной предикат
