Journal of fundamental and applied researches

The ability to sense time

2015. №4, pp. 111-116

Inderbaev Gelani V. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Chechen State Pedagogical Institute, 364037, Russia, Chechen Republic, Grozny, 33 Kievskaya st,

The article discusses the life and career of the fate of the famous Chechen writer and playwright M. Musaev, revealed his role in the process of formation of the Chechen literature after the twentieth Congress of the CPSU. Special attention is paid to the dramatic works of the writer.

Key words: драматург, конфликт, прозаик, персонаж, репертуар, радио, композиция, судьба, сюжет, художественный образ, личность, общественная жизнь, радио, война, playwright, conflict, prose, character, repertoire, radio, song, fate, plot, imagery, personality, social life, radio, war
