Journal of fundamental and applied researches

2013. №3, pp. 186-196

Alfyorovа Galina V.  - candidate of pedagogical sciences, Astrakhan State University, 410056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а Tatischev St.,

Strokina Julia Yu.  - candidate of pedagogical sciences, Astrakhan State University, 410056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а Tatischev St.,

Lazarchuk Elena A. - undergraduate student, Astrakhan State University, 410056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а Tatischev St.,

Children with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere are diverse in composition, manifestations of the group. Among this category of children of the most complex stands infantile autism, which is a neurological disorder resulting from a brain damage or violations in the course of development. It is characterized by a pronounced lack of interaction with society and the lack of communication, limited interests and repetition of the same actions. Up to three years usually show these symptoms, and boys with autism occurs four times more often than girls. Under milder signs and symptoms of these conditions occur autism spectrum disorders. The causes of autism at present are controversial. It is known that the causes of autism are closely linked to the genes that influence maturity synaptic connections in the brain. Genetics of this disease is so complex that it is currently unclear what stronger effect on the occurrence of autism spectrum disorders: the interaction of multiple genes or mutations rarely occur. However, the increase in incidence is so great that the most approximate estimates of 6 per 1000 people.

Key words: autism,developmental abnormalities,pathology,syndrome,echolalia,mutism,stereotypical,transformation,psychopathology,emotional-volitional sphere,deprivation,and genetics
