Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Замещающая функция курсива в технике монтажа речевых форм в трилогии Б. Вербера “Les fourmis”

2012. №4, pp. 26-32

Glazkova Anastasija V. - post-graduate student, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20а, Tatishchev st.,

The article is devoted to the actual processes occurring in the modern narrativе text, connected with inclusion in a fabric of a narration of the elements which are traditionally carried to typographical writing. The author investigates a problem of a producing of the narrativе text by means of such device as a font variation. Font change, in this case, the authorized font for the italics, carries out replacing function by means of which the author of the novel "Les fourmis" B. Werber interpolates “another’s word” in a narration.

Key words: visualization,narration,peripheral punctuation,font variation,italics,replacing function.
