Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2019. №4, pp. 67-72

Perreault GeneviГЁve - postgraduate student, North-Eastern Federal University of Yakutsk named after M.K. Ammosov, 677007, Russia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia),Yakutsk, 42 Kulakovsky st,

This article looks at the role of incorporation in the Chukchi language. The Chukchi language is among the most highly incorporating languages. The material used for the present research consisted of folk tales in said language. It is most common for the direct object to be incorporated and for the agent to become the subject of the derived intransitive verb. When the underlying verb is a three-place verb, as a result of incorporation the indirect object takes on the role of patient. It is particularly interesting to compare different constructions in order to find out how the choice between a canonical transitive proposition and a proposition with incorporation is conditioned. The use of incorporation by the author of a given discourse is motivated by pragmatic and semantic reasons - in that sense, incorporation can have certain discourse functions. Every incorporated element is by default unmarked and indefinite. Consequently, in the presence of incorporation the emphasis at the proposition level is on the action itself, and not on the incorporated element. Also, the semantic object is understood to be indefinite when it is incorporated. The choice between default transitive proposition and proposition with incorporation depends on semantic and grammatical factors, i.e. definiteness and indefiniteness of the semantic object, as well as on the pragmatic intent of the author, i.e. the focus or absence of focus on the action or on the actant in a given context.

Key words: чукотский язык, инкорпорация, пациенс, переходное предложение, исходный глагол, (не)определённость, акцентирование, Chukchi language, incorporation, patient, transitive proposition, underlying verb, (in)definiteness, focus
