Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Self-realization of the author of the pilgrim blog in the internet space

2018. №4, pp. 51-55

Gaynanova D. R. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Kazan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering, 420043, Tatarstan Republic, Kazan, 1 Zelyonaya st,

Bychkov D. M. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Astrakhan State Technical University, 414052, Astrakhan, 16 Tatishchev st., e,

In this article, from the standpoint of an anthropologically oriented philological analysis of the texts of Internet communication, the author explores the mechanism of self-actualization of the pilgrim blog. The object of the analysis is the works of bloggers who traveled to Israel. The study proves that the text of the pilgrim blog exists in the new space for the author’s self-realization: the virtual reality of the Internet provides a person with unique opportunities for self-realization, for revealing his creative potential. For the pilgrim blog, additional features of communication, anonymity, visual unrepresentation, reduction of “the number of different restrictions, as well as the ability to“ experiment ”with their own identity,“ try on ”different roles, etc. are typical. The article proves that virtual reality contributes to the self-realization of the identity of the pilgrim, provides new opportunities for this. This study is relevant both in terms of studying the modification of the genre of walking, and for theoretical understanding of the status of the pilgrim, in particular, in the context of philosophical anthropology.

Key words: Интернет, блог, паломничество, жанр, коммуникация, самореализация, автор, антропология, Internet, blog, pilgrimage, genre, communication, self-realization, author, anthropology
