Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Актанты «грязегенности» в русской литературе первой половины XIX в.

2013. №1, pp. 44-51

Zavyalova Elena E. - Doctor of Philology, professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, Tatischev St. 20а,

The article is devoted to images of dirt, dust, litter, trash, etc. in art picture of the world of Russian writers of the first half of the XIX century, is determined the nature and purpose of use of actants of “dirt-geneity”. In the field of view of the author are works of D.N. Begichev, А.А. Bestugev-Marlinskiy, F.V. Bulgarin, N.V. Gogol, M.Yu. Lermontov, V.T. Naregnuy, V.F. Odoyevskiy, N.F. Pavlov, M.P. Pogodin, A. Pogorelskiy, A.S. Pushkin, O.M. Somov. Proved, that in the episodes related to motive of way, is mostly mentioned on roads a dust. If some typical picture of the Russian County town district appears, an indispensable element of the landscape is the street dirt. A special variant of conceptualization of descriptions of “unclean” space become the ethnographic sketches, which show the life of adherents of a different faith. However, the mud quite often is the attribute of descriptions and baptism hero, especially if they have violated the laws of morality. Often in the plot of a story is entered the episode of falling in the dirt, that directly or indirectly relates to the theme of the humiliation of the dignity of the hero. The motive of immersion in the dung is connected with the problem of maintenance by the mortal of devotion to God. Motive of the contamination in an impurity is related to the problem of Muddiness of apartment in majority of cases point on trouble for those who live there, or on the negligence for those who work there. On a symbolic level the disorder marks violation of the way of life, the reign of chaos. Carried out analysis of the text to make a conclusion, that purgamentar images are part of the artistic picture of the world of almost all writers – without depending on their aesthetic predilections. But the actants of “dirt-geneity” and the number of references to the “impure” objects significantly different. The authors, who are inclined to naturalistic descriptions, more use motives of muddiness, correlating them with social problems. Writers of romance more often claim dust, abandonment image objects, seeing in this a mythological semantics, a particular aesthetic and philosophical meaning.

Key words: actants of “dirt-geneity”,images of dust,litter,trash,art picture of the world
