Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2019. №4, pp. 61-67

Lidgheeva Clara F. - D.Sc. (History), Professor, Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov, 358000, RussiР°, Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, 11 Pushkina st,

Olchanova Tsagan V. - Ph.D. (History), Kalmyk State University named after B.B. Gorodovikov, 358000, RussiР°, Republic of Kalmykia, Elista, 11 Pushkina st,

The article deals with the problematic issues of higher education in the context of globalization on the example of Kalmyk state University B. B. Gorodovikova. The positive and negative aspects of this process are identified and analyzed. The ongoing changes are associated with new challenges, Informatization, technology, and a special role in the socio-economic development of the state belongs to higher education, which provides training of a new format. In the current circumstances, they should have the competencies aimed at the introduction of new technologies. At the present stage, Russian higher education is being modified, the main task is to maintain a balance between innovations and traditions. Of particular importance are educational, scientific, innovative, international activities of universities, because it depends on them the competitiveness of the institution. The article presents specific examples on the materials of the regional University, as the development of the region is closely linked with University activities. In turn, universities in the new environment are developing projects that have a practice-oriented orientation and meet the needs of the labor market. Globalization dictates its own conditions, the ability to adapt to it, depends on the sustainable development of higher education, but more importantly, being included in the new educational space, it is necessary to preserve its potential, and on this basis, introducing new technologies, to develop further. Under the influence of globalization processes, the gap between the educational models of different countries (more and less developed) is increasing, old and new problems have also become complicated, one of them is the problem of financing. Now the world community is moving away from the unipolar model, in the conditions of globalization processes the task of preserving ethnic and cultural identity. Special importance in the transformational period is given to the educational role of education.

Key words: глобализационные процессы, высшая школа, международные отношения, инновации, интеграция, универсализация, модификация, инновации, globalization processes, higher school, international relations, innovation, integration, universalization, modification, innovation
