Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2017. №1, pp. 26-32

Isaev Gennady G. - DРѕctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20Р° Tatishchev st,

Could the critics of the 20 century give a sound assessment of Ryurik Ivnev’s lyrics? Overall, the answer is negative as in the course of the 20 century, they were influenced by social and political factors and the most important problems of the poet’s worldview and strivings were out of their agenda. Only the analysis of Ryurik Ivnev’s diaries that were published at the beginning of the 21 century, made it possible to reconstruct the disguised artistic and philosophical status of his early poetry [13].

Key words: имажинизм, критика, мировоззрение, статус, ранняя поэзия Р. Ивнева, imaginism, criticism, worldview, status, R. Ivnev’s early poetry
