Journal of fundamental and applied researches


2016. №2, pp. 150-156


In article relevance, the basic concepts, the concept and need of social and pedagogical maintenance of handicapped categories of children and youth are defined. Prerequisites of development of social and pedagogical support of handicapped groups of children and youth as scientific phenomenon are in detail stated and proved. This direction is one of actual and leading in social policy of the Russian Federation now. The contents of standard and legal documents, the opredlyayushchikh a legal basis of realization of social and pedagogical maintenance of handicapped categories of children and youth are opened. Complexity and a mnogoaspektnost of technology of social and pedagogical support of handicapped categories of children and youth demands the organization of special researches, stages, a soyedrazhaniye, forms and methods of realization of this kind of activity providing its efficiency. Classification of the general (social rehabilitation, abilitation, social adaptation, social protection) and private technologies of social and pedagogical maintenance of handicapped categories of children and youth is given in article. The special attention in article is given to conceptual bases of social and pedagogical maintenance of handicapped categories of children and youth. A methodological basis of research are set of teoretiko-methodological approaches of O. S. Gazman, K. Rogers. Are presented a row author's tekhnolgiysotsialno-pedagogical support of handicapped groups of children and youth which have gained the development at the Kostroma state university of N. A. Nekrasov.

Key words: социально-педагогическая поддержка, государственные социальные программы, социальные технологии, технологии социально-педагогической поддержки, маломобильные категории детей и молодёжи, social and pedagogical support, social programs, social technologies, social and pedagogical support the technologies of social and pedagogical support, children and youth with reduced mobility
