Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Formation of the system of executive power in the Russian empire XIX - early XX centuries: causes, conditions, periodization

2014. №2, pp. 210-213

Dakhina Anna A. - postgraduate student, Astrakhan State University, 410056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishev St.,

The article dwells upon the periodization of the national legislature development that governed the establishment and the functioning of the executive power system in the Russian Empire. A brief analysis of the legislature system is given; the system of the main legislative acts regulating the formation, the structure and the rights of the executive power bodies in the Russian Empire is designated.

Key words: законодательство Российской империи, система органов исполнительной власти, Полное собрание законов Российской империи, Свод законов Российской империи, именные указы, Указы Сената, периодизация, Legislation of the Russian еmpire, system of executive authorities, Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian еmpire, Code of Laws of the Russian еmpire, inscribed decrees, decrees of the Senate , periodization
