Journal of fundamental and applied researches

Associative Criteria of a “Schoolteacher” Type in Language Consciousness of the Informants

2014. №1, pp. 40-45

Popova Svetlana V. - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Astrakhan State University, 414056, Russia, Astrakhan, 20a Tatishev st.,

The article presents the practical results of the research in the field of cultural linguistics. The goal of the article is to characterize a “schoolteacher” type in Russian language consciousness according to subjects’ position. Special methods of linguistic investigation such as: introspection, interpretative analysis, interviewing and questionnaires, were used. The benefits of the study are as follows: it enriches the study of cultural linguistics by building a professional “schoolteacher” type; it indicates the evaluation of the investigated concept in collective Russian language consciousness. Moreover, the results of the research could be used in the Courses of Linguistics, Cross-cultural Communication, in special courses of Cultural Linguistics and Theory of the Cultural Types.

Key words: cultural linguistics, collective language consciousness, type, concept, subjects’ position, лингвокультурология, коллективное языковое сознание, типаж, концепт, субъектное позиционирование
