Journal of fundamental and applied researches

К проблеме творческой индивидуальности черкесского поэта Мухадина Бемурзова

2013. №2, pp. 102-106

Hangeri Ilyasovich Bakov - Doctor of Philology, Institute of humanitarian researches of the Kabardino-Balkarian Russian Academy of Sciences scientific center, Russia, Nalchik, Pushkin St., 18,

The article considers the work of the Circassian poet Mukhadin Bemurzov in the context of the Circassian literary process. It based on the analysis of the lyrics peculiarities of his artistic personality, the role of the poet in the evolution of poetry Circassian 70–90-ies.

Key words: Mukhadin Bemurzov,creativity,evolution,poetry,disproportion,individuality,sonnet,the genre,the poet,the image,the theme
